Thursday, October 5, 2017


It's odd to realize that sometimes all it takes for a friendship to drift is business that lasts long enough for the lack of communication to become normal.
Edit: Sometimes all it takes to begin to change the drifting is to acknowledge it happened and seek to take the time to change it.... Perhaps it's not all that easy... But it can be, if you both work at it... Friendship takes work and time on both sides- love is a good, good thing.

October 5, 2016

What if the wound is only distance?
What if the drift is a lack of time?
How does one heal what was never shattered?
I'm learning to balance your life in mine.


What if the wound is only distance?
One week of business
Becomes a month -
Becomes several...
Not a purposed pulling away,
Simply a mutual hurry of responsiblities
Until you can't remember shared times
Amid all the days of distance...
And yet it still feels like a wound...
What if the dtrift is a lack of time?
Days pile quickly,
Especially during changes.

A blink;
A handful of uncertainties perhaps,
Mixed with new beginnings
And suddenly you realize time has pulled those you love almost without you seeing it...

And now you wonder:
How does one heal what was never shattered?
How does the person you've grown to be fit with who they've become?
AsI reach to again build our friendship
I begin to see this truth:
I'm learning to balance your life in mine.